12,5 CME Punkte


Symposium 240: Experimental Hepatology Days

Currently fully booked, please contact the Falk Foundation for waiting list: meeting@falkfoundation.org
Poster submission is still possible until January 15, 2025

Our new format „Experimental Hepatology Days“ in Zurich last year was a great success and will take place next year in the lovely city of Lyon, France.
It is our goal to bring together leading experts from all around the world, who are focused on different aspects of basic and translational hepatobiliary research.
We specifically encourage young researchers and clinician scientists to participate and present their ongoing research projects.
The program was developed by Prof. Robert Thimme, University of Freiburg and Prof. Frank Tacke, Charité Berlin together with their international medical experts Prof. Jessica Zucman-Rossi, Prof. Fabien Zoulim and Prof. Matías Avila.

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