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Find here all FGR publications since mid-2022 selected and reviewed from international medical journals. Click here above to browse the individual quarterly issues or use the filters below or click chronologically through all articles.
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Updated efficacy and safety data from IMbrave150: Atezolizumab plus bevacizumab versus sorafenib for unresectable hepatocellular carcinoma
J Hepatol. 2022;76(4):862–73
Cholangiocarcinoma landscape in Europe: Diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic insights from the ENSCCA Registry
J Hepatol. 2022;76(5):1109–21
Frailty, mortality, and health care utilization after liver transplantation: From the Multi-Center Functional Assessment in Liver Transplantation (FrAILT) Study
Hepatology. 2022;75(6):1471–9
Safe pregnancy after liver transplantation: Evidence from a multicenter Italian collaborative study
Dig Liver Dis. 2022;54(5):669–75
Global prevalence and impact of rumination syndrome
Gastroenterology. 2022;162(3):731–42.e9
Impact of smoking on the eradication of Helicobacter pylori
Helicobacter. 2022;27(1):e12860
Helicobacter pylori infection has a detrimental impact on the efficacy of cancer immunotherapies
Gut. 2022;71(3):457–66
Systematic review with meta-analysis: The accuracy of serological tests to support the diagnosis of celiac disease
Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2022;55(5):514–27
Epidemiology, etiology, and treatment of gastroparesis: Real-world evidence from a large US national claims database
Gastroenterology. 2022;162(1):109–21.e5