Esophagus to Small Intestine

Gut. 2022;71(2):265–76

van Munster S, Nieuwenhuis E, Weusten BLAM, Alvarez Herrero L, Bogte A, Alkhalaf A, Schenk BE, Schoon EJ, Curvers W, Koch AD, van de Ven SEM, de Jonge PJF, Tang TJ, Nagengast WB, Peters FTM, Westerhof J, Houben MHMG, Bergman JJGHM, Pouw RE; Dutch Barrett Expert Centers

Long-term outcomes after endoscopic treatment for Barrett’s neoplasia with radiofrequency ablation ± endoscopic resection: Results from the national Dutch database in a 10-year period

Objective: Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) ± endoscopic resection (ER) is the preferred treatment for early neoplasia in Barrett’s esophagus (BE). The authors aimed to report short-term and long-term outcomes for all 1384 patients treated in the Netherlands (NL) from 2008 to 2018, with uniform treatment and follow-up (FU) in a centralized setting.
Design: Endoscopic therapy for early BE neoplasia in NL is centralized in 9 expert centers with specifically trained endoscopists and pathologists that adhere to a joint protocol. Prospectively collected data are registered in a uniform database. Patients with low-/high-grade dysplasia or low-risk cancer, were treated by ER of visible lesions followed by trimonthly RFA sessions of any residual BE until complete eradication of BE (CE-BE). Patients with ER alone were not included.
Results: After ER (62% of cases; 43% low-risk cancers) and median 1 circumferential and 2 focal RFA (p25-p75 0–1; 1–2) per patient, CE-BE was achieved in 94% (1270/1348). Adverse events occurred in 21% (268/1386), most commonly esophageal stenosis (15%), all were managed endoscopically. A total of 1154 patients with CE-BE were analyzed for long-term outcomes. During median 43 months (22–69) and 4 endoscopies (1–5), 38 patients developed dysplastic recurrence (3%, annual recurrence risk 1%), all were detected as endoscopically visible abnormalities. Random biopsies from a normal appearing cardia showed intestinal metaplasia (IM) in 14% and neoplasia in 0%. A finding of IM in the cardia was reproduced during further FU in only 33%, none progressed to neoplasia. Frequent FU visits in the first year of FU were not associated with recurrence risk.

Conclusion: In a setting of centralized care, radiofrequency ablation ± endoscopic resection is effective for eradication of Barrett’s related neoplasia and has remarkably low rates of dysplastic recurrence. This data support more lenient follow-up intervals, with emphasis on careful endoscopic inspection. Random biopsies from neosquamous epithelium and cardia are of questionable value.

Prof. Dr. J.J.G.H.M. Bergman, Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Amsterdam UMC Locatie AMC, Amsterdam, The Netherlands,

DOI: DOI: 10.1136/gutjnl-2020-322615

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