Colon to Rectum

J Crohns Colitis. 2024;18(2):256–63

Milo F, Imondi C, D’Amore C, Angelino G, Knafelz D, Bracci F, Dall’Oglio L, De Angelis P, Tabarini P

Short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy in addition to standard medical therapy increases clinical remission in adolescents and young adults with inflammatory bowel disease: A randomized controlled trial

Background: Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) are chronic and pervasive conditions of the gastrointestinal tract with a rising incidence in pediatric and young adult populations. Evidence suggests that psychological disorders might be associated with relapse of disease activity. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (STPP) in addition to standard medical therapy (SMT) in maintaining clinical remission in adolescents and young adults (AYA) with quiescent IBD, compared with SMT alone.
Methods: A 2-arm, single-center, randomized, controlled trial was conducted in 60 IBD AYA in clinical remission. Patients were randomized to receive an 8-week STPP+SMT (n = 30) or SMT alone (n = 30). The primary outcome was the steroid-free remission rate at 52 weeks after treatment. Secondary outcomes included the overall hospitalization rate within 52 weeks after treatment, and medication adherence obtained from patient’s electronic medical records.
Results: Intention-to-treat analysis showed significant improvement in maintaining disease remission rates in the 8-week STPP+SMT group compared with the control group. The proportion of patients maintaining steroid-free remission at 52 weeks was higher in patients in the STPP+SMT group (93.1%) compared with patients randomized to the control group (64.3%; p = 0.01). There were no significant differences in secondary outcomes, except for depression reduction in the STPP+SMT group.

Conclusions: An 8-week short-term psychodynamic psychotherapy intervention in addition to standard medical therapy effectively increases the steroid-free remission rates in adolescents and young adults with quiescent inflammatory bowel disease. Results do not support effects for other secondary outcomes, except for depression reduction.

F. Milo, Clinical Psychology Unit, Bambino Gesù Children’s Hospital, IRCCS, Rome, Italy, E-Mail:

DOI: 10.1093/ecco-jcc/jjad145

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