Falk Gastro Review Journal

Current science, compiled for you from the multitude of scientific publications – this is the Falk Gastro Review Journal.

Dunkel- bis hellblaue Grafik einer Tonspur-Frequenz auf orangem Hintergund.

The latest issues

Find here all FGR publications since mid-2022 selected and reviewed from international medical journals. Click here above to browse the individual quarterly issues or use the filters below or click chronologically through all articles.

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Colon to Rectum

Next-generation multitarget stool DNA test for colorectal cancer screening

N Engl J Med. 2024;390(11):984–93

Colon to Rectum

A cell-free DNA blood-based test for colorectal cancer screening

N Engl J Med. 2024;390(11):973–83